West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) is organizing International Conclave on Relevance of Judge Dr. Radha Binod Pal’s Dissent in International Law and is inviting papers for the same.
About NUJS
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) was established under the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Act, 1999 (West Bengal Act IX of 1999). The university is recognised under sub-section 2 (f) and section 12(b) by the University Grant Commission.
About the Event
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) proudly announces International Conclave on Relevance of Judge Dr. Radha Binod Pal’s Dissent in International Law. This conclave aims to explore and critically examine the profound influence of Justice Pal’s jurisprudence on the development of international law, with a particular focus on his dissenting opinion at the Tokyo Trials and its implications for contemporary legal thought.
Justice Radhabinod Pal’s jurisprudence on the development of international law, particularly his dissenting opinion at the Tokyo Trial.
- The Tokyo Trial: A Critical Examination of Justice Pal’s Dissent Reexamining Victor’s Justice
- Critical Theory and International Criminal Law
- Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) Feminist perspective on Conflict
- The reflections of Legacy of Justice Radhabinod Pal in Western and Eastern Legal Discourse.
- Colonialism, Imperialism, and International Criminal Law: Justice Radhabinod Pal’s Perspectives
- Justice Radhabinod Pal and the development of International Humanitarian Law.
- Challenging the Norms: Justice Radhabinod Pal and the Concept of Crimes Against Peace and crimes against humanity.
- International economic Law and Postcolonial Critiques: Echoes of Justice Radhabinod Pal
- Global Justice and Sustainable Development: Integrating Pal’s Ideals into International Environmental Law.
- The Role of Dissent in Shaping International Law.
Submission Guidelines
- The paper should include an Abstract of 300 Words with 3-5 keywords, mentioning the Title, Research Question, Methodology.
- Each Submission should be accompanied with Author/ Author’s Bio (Mentioning the name of the author, designation, permanent/corresponding address, contact details, and Primary Email ID), Declaration of Originality.
- Word Limit: 5,000–7,000 words (excluding footnotes)
- Citations: Bluebook (20th edition) citation style. Similarity below 10%
- The manuscripts is to be renamed as <Name of the first author_Title of the paper>
- Paper should be submitted in word doc.
Formatting Guidelines
- The paper must be written in British English, typed using Times New Roman (Normal style, Font size 12, Line Spacing 1.5) and in MS-Word. Page size should be A4, single column with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides with single line spacing.
- All pages of the manuscript (including Tables and Figures) must be numbered.
How to Submit?
Click on the link provided below to submit.
Registration Fees
- Research Scholars: 2000 INR + 18 % GST (using the SBI Challan Link)
- Academicians / Teachers: 4000 INR + 18 % GST (using the SBI Challan Link)
Important Dates
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: 20th October, 2024
- Intimation of Selection: 30th October, 2024
- Last Date of Registration: 5th November, 2024
- International Conclave on Relevance of Judge Dr. Radha Binod Pal’s Dissent in International Law: 23rd- 24th November,2024