The Tamil Nadu National Law University,established by the Government of Tamil Nadu through Act No. 9 of 2012, offers globally competitive legal education on its 25-acre campus in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu.Recognized by the UGC and BCI, TNNLU is a member of the Association of Indian universities and the Shastri Constitute. It offers various UG, PG, and research programmes in law with a strong academic environment featuring expert faculty, active student participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and a robust alumninetwork.TNNLU has 14 research centres in diverse fields of law and actively engages in teaching,training, publication and research.
The Centre for Investment Laws (‘CIL’) was established by the Tamil Nadu National Law
University (TNNLU) in 2021. It aims to address the rising demand for expertise in investment laws within India, particularly in Tamil Nadu.
Funded by a seed money of ₹10 lakh grant from the Tamil Nadu Government, the CIL
fosters research on legal issues related to FDIs, SEZs, strategic thinking in investment laws, and organising various academic events like conferences. The Centre further aspires to assist policymakers in developing a legal innovation ecosystem, facilitating investments by supporting interdisciplinary research.
One of the Visions of the CIL is to become a regional research hub and thought leader for research on investment-related laws in India.
Important Dates
Thursday, 22 August 2024……………………………….Conference Notification
Wednesday, 04 September 2024…………………Submission of Abstracts
Friday, 23 August 2024………………………………………Opening of Registration
Monday, 09 September 2024…………………………Selection of Abstracts
Tuesday, 24 September 2024…………………………Submission of Full Papers
Monday, 30 September 2024………………………….Last Date for the Payment of Registration Fees
Saturday, 28 September 2024…………………………Intimation of Full Paper Acceptance
Saturday, 05 October 2024………………………………The Conference Day
Email: cil@tnnlu.ac.in
Contact: Mr. B. Hareesh Krishnan
+91 63806 92393
Mr. Navis Rohan
+91 98406 59953